23weeks and 6days today!

Yes I am 23weeks and 6days today! I was 23weeks and 5days when I gave birth to Koa. Everything so far is going good. I am NOT on bed rest! But I am limited to what I can do such as picking stuff up over 10lbs, and cant be on my feet a lot. I am getting a shot once a week of progesterone its suppose to prevent per-term labor. So far its working. I also had surgery in October they put in a cerclage. Koa is very excited about being a big brother. He wasn't to sure about having a little brother he wanted a little sister. When we went to found out that we were having the doctor told us its a BOY! Koa told the doctor NO ITS A GIRL over and over they argued a little. It was cute. But hes getting use to the idea now. My cousin here had a baby shower this last weekend and we went to go buy her something. Koa thought we were buying stuff for Eli he was picking out stuff for him. Koa keeps asking when Eli will be at the house. 3 more months! It's going SLOW. But well worth it!. I will be updating you guys every couple of weeks. Thank you all for your prayers!
Jeremiah, Courtnie, Koa and Eli
We are in love with Eli already.23 weeks 6 days and counting. Good work Courtnie keep doing what you are doing it will be all worth it but then you know that don't you! So glad we got new computer and can keep in contact again. Luv u
Greatgram & Greatgramp C
Congratulations! Glad things are going well so far. I am sure you breath a sigh of relief every day. The updates are wonderful. Looking forward to seeing all of you and meeting Eli in July. Tim and I will be flying into Anchorage & driving up to FB while going to see Denali.
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