Koa is doing good!

Today they got back the test results on the blood culture and it was positive. So they are going to do another blood culture in a few days. They also did the eye exam this morning and it is the same as last weeks. It could go either way still. Also the spinal tap came back negative which means he doesn't have meningitis.
Today we hanged out with Koa all day. I was able to hold him today for a little while. Jeremiah changed his 1St diaper last night. He did a good job.
Tonight we gave Koa another bath. At first he didn't like it. Jeremiah was rubbing his back and he fell asleep. It was cute. Koa also got a massage from a nurse that is trained in newborn massage. He really enjoyed it!
As soon as we put him back to bed he fell right to sleep.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Koa the strength that he needs to get over the infection.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
What a difference in this picture. He looks like he is gaining weight and has those pinchable cheeks now. So cute. My hubby and I took a course on baby massage while our son was in the NICU's and to this day (he is a year old now) he LOVES it after every bath. I encourage you to keep that up...as Koa grows he will yearn for that special massage touch from his mommy and daddy. You both are doing such a great job in keeping your spirits up and looking to the Lord for strength. You are the absolute best parents Koa could have. When the Lord blessed you with Koa he knew you were more than able. What an amazing baby!!!
Thank goodness he does not have meningitis, but hopefully will get rid of that nasty infection. Baby massaging is wonderful and it is encouraging that he likes it. Keep up the good work . Hurrsy for Jeremiah on his first diaper change. Looks like he will be changing those things too. Keep up your strength and may God help in all the decisions you make for Koa. I know you are more than capable of always making the right ones. He is in good hands. Keep praying and our love is with you. Aunt Lori and all. PS I will send you prom and graduation pictures soon.
So happy to hear no menengitis
hopefully the infection will clear up fast. Congrats Daddy - lst diaper change out of the way many more to come and they will get better! You'll see with each surprise in them. Keep up the good massaging-take classes if you can it will come in handy. God bless
Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa C
Isn't funny how we count our mile-stones of life :-) Good Job, Jeremiah!!!! The picture of Koa sure is picking up Jeremiah traits..How cute he is. He has filled out so much more! Keep it up Koa, your are a warrior..You will win! Love to all, Dana & Dee
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