Koa is still gaining weight

Koa weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces this week. Koa is doing good as for me I'm hurting I had my wisdom teeth pulled out and it wasn't to bead for the first day but the last 2 days haven't been so much fun. Courtnie has her plate kind of full with 2 big babies she is taking care of now but she is doing a great job with both Koa and I.
Thank you all for your prayers.
Thank you God for Keeping Koa healthy and Helping him to grow.
We love you all,
Koa Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert
Well he sure is getting to be a cutie pa-tootie. We are really thrilled everything is going so well for you three. We hope it continues to stay in this happy positive swing.
Please know we think of you regularly and pray for you all daily. Please take care, and Courtney you can always give Miah a good wack on the cheek if he gets out of hand the next few days :-D
Love you all-
Niki, Dave and Zack
What great pictures -- how fun to see Koa outdoors and at home!!! You continue in my thoughts and prayers. Jeremiah, sending healing blessings your way as you recover from having your wisdom teeth out!
Be well, dear ones.
Chaplain Susan
Oh my gosh, Koa is so adorable. Man oh man is he getting big. I can believe it. He he such a cutie. You guys better watch out, hes going to be a heart breaker. Day H, Anelalani's mom
Doesn't Koa just bring a big smile to your face when you see how happy he is:)What great pictures and thank you once again for sending them.We love keeping up with his progress.Sorry to hear about Jer's dental pain.Courtnie you are a mountain of strength keep up the good work.Time flies when you are soooooo busy doesn't it? Love you 3 Hugs Greatgrandma &
Greatgrandpa C
It was great seeing you guys last weekend. I enjoyed getting to hold the wee one. He does manage to warm your heart. You can't help but love him when he is in your arms. He is such a cutie- those eyes, smile, pouty face when he wants his way. He definitely knows what he wants. Take care and good luck in Anchorage with hernia surgery. See you soon Love you lots Aunt Lori and Uncle Mike.
It just brings a smile to my face when I see little Koa. He is absolotely adorable. It's so nice to get information & photo's from you guys on his progress. You guys are doing such a great job & you should pat your self on your back. May our good lord be with you all today & always. Anelalani Nana Rose
My name is Giovanna and I'm from Brazil.
I've found your blog a day while I was surfing at the internet.
Since that day, I always visit your blog and think about Koa and u 2.
You're brilliant parents and I pray every day for God to bless you three.
Be well.
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