Koa is getting cuter by the minute!

This morning when Jeremiah and I saw Koa we kissed him on the cheek and he smiled it was so cute. Koa is doing good.
This afternoon the development lady came by and said that she played with Koa and that she is really impressed by how well he is doing with his moving, alertness, eye contact, recognizing people voices and how well he tolerate being touched. She told Jeremiah and I that we are doing a great job. It felt good to us to hear that.
Koa's IV fell out of his foot so they couldn't get one in anywhere else so they put one in his scalp. It doesn't look to bad. They are going to wait to put the central line for a couple of days.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, love and support.
Thank you God for giving us family and friends that love us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
What a wonderful picture and we can see just how big he is getting when his Daddy holds him:) love the pics. Glad to hear things are progressing and Koa's alertness is great news too. Like I've said before every day is another milestone he has made and is doing everything his little body can do:)
Love to you both and Koa - prayers still coming a hundredfold - Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa
That Koa is a little darling all right! He looks so cuddly and sweet - and that was a nice reward to have him smile at you. He's telling you that he knows you're there looking out for him in every way. Even as tiny as he is, he can communicate plenty and ounce per ounce he's stronger than any of us I'll bet! Take care of each other - we're pulling for all three of you. Love, Jan
Ahh..I agree Koa is getting cuter everyday. Good job guys & you too Koa keep it up. May the good lord be with you all today & always. All my aloha, Anelalani Nana Rose
I just can't get over how amazing he looks...the weight he is putting on. God is so awesome! You guys really are doing such a great job with Koa. Keep up the good work! God bless and we will keep the prayers coming!
What handsome fellas you have there Courtnie-better watch those little girls-they will be after Koa before long. Glad to hear things are progressing. Love to all Aunt Lori
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