Koa weighs 5lb 1oz!

This morning I played with Koa. I had a blast watching his face expressions. I probably played with him for 1 hour or so. Afterwords I put him back into bed and read him a bedtime story. He slept for six hours. I could tell that I wore him out. So I didn't get a chance to try bottle feed, he was to sleepy.
Tonight they did the laser eye surgery. It took about 45min. The Doctor said everything went prefect! He also said that he hasn't ever had a kid that was as calm as Koa. He was very impressed. So was the nurse.
Other than that is doing good. Just growing.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping Koa get through his laser eye surgery.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
What a cutie!!!! I am so happy the laser surgery went well and all is going well with him and you all. I am so thrilled you got to interact with KOA today even though you were not able to bottle feed him, just being able to play and not do anything else was a blessing. He sounds like he is content little guy, even with all that is continually done to him. He probably figures "Oh well what else are they going to do-boy that feel better!" Keep on treking with KOA and enjoy those wonderful moments of play. Love you all and miss you a lot Aunt Lori and all.PS Uncle Mike comes home on June 5th-his mom is doing well and has been out of hospital for a week and half now.
Oh my gosh "5 pounds, 1 oz." already, how wonderful. I just loved the latest photo, he is so so CUTE. I hardly know you but appears you two are doing a good job with Koa and it shows. I'm so glad to hear laser eye surgery went well. May our good lord be with you all today & always.
It has been great to follow Koa's progress. I will keep on praying for you guys. Michael
So glad laser surgery is over and Koa is doing well!What a trooper he is. I bet he really amazes the Dr.s and nurses with his stamina through everything that has been done to him. 5 lbs is wonderful - little chubby:) Bet you're enjoying the playtimes a lot, keep up the good work we love you and pray all keeps going well.Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa C.
hi courtnie! glad i got to see you for a bit last weekend- it was really nice. glad to see koa is doing well!
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