Koa had a busy day!

This morning Jeremiah was holding Koa and went to put him back in bed. Jeremiah noticed that Koa pooped all over him it was kinda funny. Koa's poop bag was leaking. They had to change his bag a couple of times today.
This afternoon they put in a surgical central line in. It is in his rightside of his chest. They gave him morphine and adivan (i think). Koa didnt need the vent he was breathing pretty good with the C-pap. They kept a close eye on him.
Tonight when I went to see him he was really fussy. So I was able to hold. He clamed down after awhile. They started his feedings again and he was a very happy little boy. He fell right a sleep. Also they gave him very little of morphine to take the edge off. They were gonna give him tylenol. But they didnt want to because they were he might through it up. By the time I left he was sleeping pretty good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, love and support.
Thank you God for watching over Koa today while they did the surgical central line.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
I'm so glad that ordeal is all over. I know that you were dreading it and worrying over it...one more hurdle that's behind little Koa. That will prevent all the poking and prodding looking for veins now. Thank God once again! So Jeremiah got pooped on! Isn't it amazing the things that you do as a parent that you never pictured yourself doing? Ha ha! Well, today is Terry's birthday - and he has to work. He says at his age, he's lucky to be able to work, so I guess that's a good perspective. I hope you two are doing well down there. I know Koa is with you by his side. Love, Jan
Thank you God they were able to put in the central line and be able to give him the antibiotics through that instead of his head. Well Jeremiah got christented-it won't be the last time either. Welcome to parenthood. I am glad he is feeding well and calming when you are near. Keep up the good spirits!Everyone says Hi!!!Love you all Aunt Lori and all.
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