Merry Late Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hello everyone. We hope that your Christmas was full of love and relaxing.
Our Christmas was AWESOME with Koa. We had a blast. Of course Koa got spoiled. But that's okay. I am having fun playing with all of his toys.
Today Koa had a doctors visit. He got blood drawn and a chest x-ray. All of the blood work came back Great... His chest x-ray looked good to us but they are going to compare it with the last one in September and tomorrow we will find out more on that.
The Doctor was very pleased and happy with Koa. He was such a worm when she was trying listen and count his breathing. She said I don't think he moves around very much. She was joking it was funny.
Oh yeah the little Porker weighed 15 lbs 3 oz and is 24 inches long. He's HUGE. Today we put him in he car seat and lifted it, man it was heavy. Jeremiah and I were like what are we feeding this guy.
Have a great New year. ( grandpa and grandma Cunningham we will miss playing Mexican train with you guys this year.)
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie Bachert
Again thank you for the updates.Loved talking to you on Christmas and truly enjoyed hearing our greatgransons little voice giggles and all.Can't wait to meet him in person. You can't imagine how much we want that.Our Christmas was really nice too Linda was here and we all got great gifts. You two better practice Mexican Train so when we get there you can try to beat me.Ha Ha.till later take care love you ohohohoh so much. Hugs and Kisses too Grtgrndma & Grtgrndpa C
He looks like he is trying to talk to everyone in the photos. He is really grwoing and keeping you hopping. Will try to get out this week or next. Need to bring out gifts so he won't outgrow them. Take care and love to all. PS Amanda and Matt have a gift too, so I will bring them out with me too. Amanda is going to Indiana(on the 2nd) with her family to see Brian's family and will be back after the 9th. Take care and love to you all. I will try to bring out your Grandma with me Koa-until then love to all. Lori and all
Courtney- wow it has been a journey! We truely love watching your little man grow like a little weed! He is so precious! You two have done a wonderful job! Kudos to both of you! What was Koa's exact date of birth and his birth weight? Drop me a line some time! Happy & Healthy New Year to you and yours! Love Vickie
Koa is so big, He looks alot like Sherman but when I looked at the picture of Koa and Jeremiah they looked like twins. I can't wait to hold him and tell him that his favorite Great Aunt is Marion
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