Monday, February 27, 2006

Hello all

Last night Koa was having some hard spells with his blood pressure. Courtnie and I had a meting with the Koa's tummy surgeon to decide weather or not to do the surgery to fix Koa's intestines. But it was post poned by God again so that Koa coud have another day to rest. Koa is back on the conventional ventilator. This morning at about 6 am his blood pressure dropped because he need more blood so the nurses gave him a blood transfusion and his numbers came back to ok numbers. In the meting with the surgeon we were told that this all happened because of the surgery on his heart and the drain surgery. The surgeon said that the surgery causes a build up of fluid in the body and makes it harder to absorb the oxygen that the ventilator is giving him. So what I got from the talk is that we should hold off and let koa get rid of the fluid so that he can absorb the oxygen better. I am just praying that Koa will stay strong and keep the doctors and nurses alert and able to help Koa. I have put it into God's hands and I'm asking him to guide the doctors, Courtnie and I to do what is best.
Thank you to every one at Meadow Lakes Baptist Church for the gifts of love and all of the prayers from every one
Thanks again
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah


Blogger Alaska said...

I didn't talk to you today on the phone but was happy to find new info on your blog. I have been thinking and praying for you guys all day and I trust you know this despite my not calling.

It sounds like you have been doing a great job of looking after Koa and I know you are placing your trust where it belongs. I am proud of you.

I have good feelings about Koa despite the problems he has been battling. I keep thinking that I will be taking him home about the time the salmon start running and that maybe he will go fishing with his old gramps before he even makes it home to his own bed. Who knows...maybe he will even catch his first King Salmon before his planned birthday!! Of course at his current size he could probably be his own bait.

I am mad at your dog Duke. I was playing fetch yesterday with the dogs in the front yard when some guy walking a little "fru-fru" dog came down the street. Duke bolted for the gate so he could go breed the fru fru dog and I made a diving tackle on him so he wouldn't scare her to death. Unfortunatly I had forgotten about the landscaping rocks piled under the snow and landed with both my knees on boulders. It hurt so bad that I almost puked...then I still had to drag Duke into the house while crawling through the snow. My right knee has a big gash in it but it my left knee that really hurts. It has a golf ball growing out of the kneecap. I"m still hobbling around like a cripple today.

Thinking of you all the time,

9:01 PM  

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