Friday, June 23, 2006

Koa had an ok day

Koa is needing a little more oxygen today. The doctors think that it is because he hasn't be getting held very much because he is on the ventilator. But other than that Koa is doing good. He has some gas and is pooping good. Courtnie got to change her first and second poopy diaper today. I was able to hold him tonight for about an hour. When I held him he was really relaxed and his oxygen needs went from 70% to 54% so we think that he liked it. That and it got the stuff in his lungs moved around so they could suction it out. He is getting so big it is cool. He weighed about 6 pounds and 13 ounces and doesn't look like he is holding much water again. Koa slept most of the day.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Thank you God for looking over Koa and guiding the nurses and doctors in his care.
We love you all,
Koa Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to read they were able to suction Koa's lungs.Changing poopy diapers is a Good thing too!Glad you got to hold him so he knows you two are always there by his side watching everything:)Little chubbo gaining weight too that's what comes from the feedings he is finally getting which in turn generates the poop!!One things always leads to another.Take care of yourselves too - love & hugs Greatgrandma & Greatgranpa C.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Nichole Sauer said...

I am sooo glad to hear he's gaining wieght and that he doesn't seem to be retaining as much water. Give him a big kiss for all of us when you can.
He is just going to keep growing and growing so watch out, pretty soon you will be buying new things monthly because you wont be able to keep up with him! :-)
Take care and know we are praying for you all-

Niki, Dave and Zack

2:52 PM  
Blogger Aunt Lori said...

Finally was able to look on website-been at Pony Club camp all week and finally got home to read the website. Sounds like things are going good with the boy. He is getting bigger and stronger. Hopefully he will fight that infection, have his last surgery, get off vent and come home. Take care and love to you all. Aunt Lori and all.

5:48 PM  

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