Koa weighs 5lb 15oz! (mostly water weight)

Koa seems to be doing a lot better. His oxygen requirements are at 37. All day. They were able to go down on the vent settings. Also they were able to put Koa on his tummy. He was a very happy boy. His oxygen requirements were in the 20's until they moved him back on his back.
Other than that he seems to be happy. He really wants all the tubes out of mouth and nose.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping Koa get better.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah
He is getting cuter by the day, he looks so much like his dad! Glad to hear that he is doing so well!
Once again thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of our greatgrandson!He is truly the most handsome young man(no prejudice of course)Glad to hear he is doing better and loves being on his tummy.Everyday is a blessing and you two are to be commended for your deligence in caring for Koa and making the right decisions for him.God bless - love & hugs Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa C.
JB/CB2...After reading todays post I went back in the archives to your first posts and pictures of Koa. WHAT PROGRESS HE HAS MADE!! Reading the desperation in those posts and viewing those early pictures brought tears to my eyes...an embarassing thing to have happen when you're sitting in the office wrapping up the days work! It makes me sooo happy to see how that little guy has progressed and I can't wait until the day he can come home. You guys have gone through so much and I am very proud of how you guys have taken the adversity in stride. Hang in there!!! Before you know it life will again take on some semblence or normalicy and the past months will be mere memories. If you have the time go back and review your early posts...I'm sure your spine will tingle when you see how far down the road you have traveled.
I love you guys and miss you much.
Mohawk Man
I am so happy to hear that Koa is doing really good. He looks like Jeremiah more and more everyday. WOW! I will continue to keep Kao in our nightly prayers for a speedy recovery. All my ALOHA
Day H and Ohana
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