Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Koa had a rough day!

Koa is still trying to recoop from yesterday. I got to hold him today it was awesome. His heart rate has been up all day. They thought that his heart rate was up maybe because he was hot. But it doesn't seem to be that. So they did a UA but we are waiting for the results. Then they thought he might be in pain cause of the hernia. So they gave him .08ml of tylenol. But it didn't seem to change his heart rate. So in a couple of hours they are going to do some blood work. To see if that will tell them know whats going on. Before they started investigating they put him in his favorite position for two hours and left him alone. They thought that would do the trick. But it didn't. they think that he is just stressed out from yesterday. It is so hard to sit next to his bed and not be able to help him. Other than hold his hand, tell him that We love him so much. It just bugs me not knowing what is causeing all of this. Its hard to stand around and wait for the results. And having so many things go through your head wondering what could it be. His Oxygen needs are at 22%. The settings on the ventilator are really low. They want him to gain more weight before they try again to get him off of the vent.
Tonight it was cute. They had to put a bag on him to pee in. He lifted his leg, up by his chest. It was funny. Then all day he was trying to position himself. He would lift his head completely off the bed and move himself. It was cool. But not really cause he could pull the ventilater tube out. And that wouldn't be good.
Well Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa, Jeremiah and I.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hard to know what to say when you and Koa have had such a hard day. Your strength throughout this time has been a Godsend to Koa and I'm sure Jeremiah too. As a Mom it's never easy to have the feeling you can't help in some situations but believe me Koa knows your every heartbeat when you are holding him or even touching his little hand and speaking to him - he knows your voice. He certainly is a very strong little man and determined too. We love you 3 and send our prayers.Hugs Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa C

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that Koa is having problems on top of problems. So stressful for all 3 of you. So many highs and lows emotionally.We are praying for you. I am to be in Anchorage next week and hope to see you. Love you all. Dodie and family

11:00 AM  
Blogger Nichole Sauer said...

Courtney, Jeremiah and Koa-

I am sorry to hear Koa is having hard times. I was hoping maybe reading today would be better than yesterday. I truely hope the little guys pulls through this quick so you and Jeremiah are more at ease.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes. Just remember we are all thinking and praying of you and sending you lots of love and support. We are all here for you if you should ever need anything.
We truely love you Koa and Jeremiah and wish nothing but happy times to come.. unfortuantly there will be these hard times.

Thinking of you lots-

Niki, Dave and Zack

12:08 PM  
Blogger Aunt Lori said...

Hang in there Courtnie. It is hard to watch your child go through a hard time and not be able to help him. He knows you are there for him and know you would help him if you could. Holding him and carassing him lets him know you are there and right next to him to help him cope. He will continue to fight for everything and is strong in more ways than one. He is such a fighter!!! Love you lots and hugs to you too. Auntie Lori and all.

6:58 PM  

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