Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today went pretty good, But tonight was a little hard.

Today Koa had a good day. His Oxygen needs were down to 35%. Which is AWESOME. They didn't really change anything today. They are making sure that he can handle the feedings okay before they up it again.
Tonight was a little hard. It was like 11:45 and we went to change his diaper and we notice that his poop bag was leaking so we had to change that. He didn't really like that. After that we noticed that his IV was leaking AGAIN. So they had to give him a new one. He actually did pretty good with all of it. I didn't. I felt really bad for him. But other than that he is doing pretty good. Looking cute as ever.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa, Jeremiah and I. You are awesome.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see the little guy is doing good. We are thinking about you. graham, kristy, and payton

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Koa is coping with everything that is going on.It's amazing how very strong he is with everything they have to do to help him get stronger and bigger too!It is hard to watch him go through this but everything you and they are doing is keeping him on the right path too.We are praying and Koa's name is on a number of prayer chains down here in Illinois and at the churches. Love you lots - Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa Cunningham

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a difficult evening - I'm sure the IV, etc was much harder on you than it was on him. He has become used to being poked and prodded. Think of how wonderful it'll be when you get him home with you and he doesn't have those annoyances anymore. What is his weight now? I'm following his progress everyday and you are constantly in my prayers. Love, Jan

8:00 PM  

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