Today was a rough day.

This morning they did a lot of tests on Koa to see what is going on. Because he is still not tolerating the milk. They found out that he is dehydrated again. So they have given him so more fluids and cut way back on the milk. He might be having a problem his liver. He is jaundice right now. Which is telling the Docs that there might be something going on. Tonight they did an ultra sound on his liver. We should find out more tomorrow about that. We really need him to grow. But he is having such a hard time with the milk. They are just trying to find out what he can handle.
But we have some good news. Koa's head ultra sound came back GOOD. They said everything looks normal. I am so happy about that. Also his Lungs is doing really good. They said they could take him off the vent. But not right now cause he is so weak and they want him to grow.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Jeremiah and I strength and faith. Also Thank you for Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
Hopefully you are getting some answers today or in the very near future that will help Koa more and make him stronger with the help of the doctors knowledge. Your strength and love are phenominal and we are praying every minute for
more good days for all three of you. The new picture of Koa is beautiful. All our love and prayers
Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa C.
Jeremiah, Courtney and Koa-
I am sooo glad to hear Koa's head ultrasound came back good. That really is good news! I hope the one for his liver comes back and is either good or at least explains what is going on with him and then they can fix it.
We keep praying for little Koa and both Jeremiah and you Courtney. Dave and I are truely in awe of how well you too are doing. We have talked about it many times and can't imagine we would be able to hold it together half as well as the two of you are doing. We are very proud of all three of you and will keep you all in our prayers.
Please remember to take care of yourselves too.. I know it is hard because you want to be good mommys and daddys but you also need rest and need to take a step back and breath once in a while.
We love and are thinking of you daily-
Niki, Dave and Zack
Keep you heads up! Yesterday was Easter right?? Our God has Risen!!! He's alive. Jesus died for our sin's. He's always the Truth the way and the light. Just have faith in him and he will do merculeus healing. Faith without works is died. Faith as little as a mustard seed is all he ask. We are praying for you folks. Keep up the good work. We love you guys. Mina lemu and kids
AWWWW.... my handsome nephew!!! i love him!! tell him that please!! from his! FAVORITE AUNTY MANDI!!
Courtnie,Jeremiah and Koa,
Thank you for always taking the time out of your very busy days and nights to write to all of us and let us know how Koa is doing.
Maybe his little body is just not ready for the richness of milk yet, time will tell. I hope the tests on his liver bring more ggod news to you and Miah.
God bless our Little Koa, help him to grow strong and healthy, and bless Courtnie and Miah with strength and rest for this road may be long but they travel it love to you,
Aunt Linda
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