Today went good!

I think that Koa is feeling a lot better. I hope anyways. Koa looks a lot better and his Oxygen needs are a lot better today they were at 36% pretty much all day. He slept all day. He weighed 2Lb 12.5 Oz. They said that they are happy but they told me that if his weight goes down by a little its okay. His liver is doing a lot better.
Thank you everyone for all prayers and support.
Thank you God for healing Koa and helping us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
I'm so happy that Koa is feeling better. This was a stressful week for all of you, that's for sure! I want you to know that our love, prayers and hope for more good news are with you each day. Jan
When I opened the site today it was wonderful to read the good news. What a good looker he is in his hat too!!I can't believe what a trooper Koa is and keeps showing them he is a fighter. Our prayers are being answered even if it seems slow at times ours is not to question why ( as the old saying goes) We are happy for all 3 of you. After reading "Mohawks" comments maybe the Dr.s took it to heart and speeded up a bit. Love,hugs and kisses Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa C
this is such a sweet picture. i read your page everyday just to see how little koa is doing. i am glad to see that he is doing so well. hope all of you guys are hanging in there. keep your spirts up. you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Danielle S.
I am glad things are going better for the three of you. Remember to trust your own judgement when it comes to Koa. If you feel something is not right question it. Doctors and nurses can be mistaken they are only human. Also remember that your family only wants what is best for Koa and you guys. We all love you very much and am happy things are turning around again. Auntie Lori and family.
Well isn't Koa just a little doll? I swear he gets cuter with each picture.
I hope things keep looking up and that he feels better soon. He's had a hard week.
Niki, Dave and Zack
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