Sunday, March 05, 2006

Things seem to be improving

Koa is doing good today so far. He is only needing 50% oxygen on the ventilator and is still being weaned off of the nitric oxide. It is very hard not being able to be with him and courtnie all day. Being sick has never been this not fun. But I'm taking all sorts of vitamins and stuff to get over this little cold. courtnie has met another mom to talk to that is going through some of the same things and I think that it is good for her to be able to talk to someone other than me and her parents. So IM still praying that Koa gets stronger and stronger. Last night before going to bed Courtnie and I talked about God and the things that he has given to us and the things that he hasn't. And we talked about how we have seen so meant people's lives changed buy both things that God has given us and but things God has not given us. And saw that every thing has been for the best. I am glad that Courtnie and I can talk and be there for each other and I thank God for that.
This experience has changed my life. Like I have said I have a different look on life now. The Ave also been able to better understand what God went through when he saw his son die for all of us. The big difference is that I am selfish because I don't want God to take Koa. And God has been letting Koa Get better and I thank him all day and all night for every second, minute, hour, day, week that I have with Koa. Thank you God again for every thing you have given us.
when Koa was born we met a mom that had been with her baby for months in the NICU she was negative about a lot of things like one of the doctors. Some of the things she told Courtnie and I would make us upset. So we talked to the doctors and nurses about her and they told us that every baby is different just like every person is different but that they would talk to her because we weren't the only parents that she had talked to that felt that she was negative. So they did last week. Last night courtnie called me from the hospital to tell me that this mom had lost her baby.
last night I prayed that god be with this mom and give her comfort. And I will keep praying that god will be with her and her family to help her have peace in her heart and know that every thing that could be done to help her baby was done.
thanks again for all of the prayers for Koa, Courtnie and I
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so glad to see that things are improving. i hope koa knows how amazing and strong his parents are. my thoguhts and prayers are with you all. my dad sends his love and prayers to you as well. Danielle Stoner

5:33 PM  
Blogger Nichole Sauer said...

Jeremiah, Courtney and Little Koa-

I am glad to hear Koa is doing better. I will continue to pray for him and his health along with your health and your and Courtneys strength.
It must be hard to know that women lost her baby, even if she did seem negative. Sometimes its easier to blame it on someone else than to just accept that it's no ones fault and these things sometimes happen. I will also say a prayer for her that she finds strength to move forward in live and perhapes will someday find the joy in the memories she had with her child.
I have seen a change in you as well. I think its absolutly wonderful. I didn't change as quickly with zack, but our situation was so much different. I am glad to see how you've risen to the occasion and made your wife and son the most important thing in your life. I hope Courtney realizes how lucky she is to have such a wonderful and supportive husband.
Stay strong, and feel better soon, You are doing the right thing to not be in with Koa, its not worth risking him getting very sick. He will still have his mommy there to show him how much he is loved. And in no time at all you will be back by his side showing him how much you missed him the few days you went without him.

Sending you all lots of love and good wishes-

Niki, Dave and Zack

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremiah - I don't have anything new or profound to add to all the heartfelt comments eveyone is posting to your site. What a book of faith your blog site has become. I hope you feel better today Jeremiah and that Koa has another good day.

Uncle Jim, Grandpa, all of us, love you, Courtnie and Koa so much. It seems like such a long time since you were visiting here at Christmas. Koa has exposed so many facets of your personality and you shine like a diamond. He certainly has a strong warrior father for an example to look up to. I wish we were not so far away because I want to be able to just sit with you and Courtnie as you face each new day. You all are my first waking thoughts and my ending prayer each night.

Love from all of us - Aunt Sue

4:51 AM  
Blogger Aunt Lori said...

What a truly fine young man you have become. YOu have certainly changed perspective on things. Life sure has a way of making us truly be thankful for what we have in life. Koa surely has a wonderful mother and father to look to when things are tough. He is getting better knowing what he has and God has made sure that he truly knows this through everyday of getting better.
I will also pray for this other mother that she can make it through life remebering the time she has spent with her child.
Uncle Mike asks me daily how Koa and you guys are doing. I give him the updates. Matt, Chris, Shannon and Colleen send their love to you.
Koa is truly a gift to all of us. Love you lots Aunt Lori

6:56 AM  

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