Koa's 1st ear infection!
Well where do I start. Koa has had a little cold for about to two weeks. This last week we have been up at night for hours on end. He just would cough at night and during the day he is himself. So I felt bad for him coughing. So this morning I took him to Doctor hoping for some coughing medicine. But instead we left with a prescription for an ear infection. So I was trying to think if i missed a sign of him messing with ears. Well when we came home he was pulling and poking his left ear a lot.
Well the doctor prescribe Koa Amazicillon. Which he has had when he was in the hospital. But Jeremiah is allergic to it. So I had to make sure that he didnt break in hives or his mouth. tongue swell up. But so far he is doing good.
Well I just wanted to up date everyone. It has been a long long week. I am gonna try to get some sleep.
Well the doctor prescribe Koa Amazicillon. Which he has had when he was in the hospital. But Jeremiah is allergic to it. So I had to make sure that he didnt break in hives or his mouth. tongue swell up. But so far he is doing good.
Well I just wanted to up date everyone. It has been a long long week. I am gonna try to get some sleep.