Wednesday, March 30, 2011

34 Weeks & 1 Day

Today I went to the doctor and my cervix has thinned a lot. Two weeks ago my cervix thickness was 6cm and today it is 1.4 cm thick. Baby Eli also moved head down. So I have been on bed rest for a week now. Eli is weighing about 6lbs by the ultrasound. We are hoping I can hang on for at least a one to two more weeks. Iam still scheduled for the c-section on the 19. But we will see. We are getting very excited. Thank you all for your prayers! God is so amazing. love, Jeremiah, Courtnie, Koa and baby Eli Bachert

Saturday, March 19, 2011

32 weeks!

I went to the Doctor last week. He said my cervix looks good. My blood pressure is little high. So I have to really take it easy. I am also needing to take iron my blood count was low. He wants to see me weekly now. we went ahead and scheduled my c-section for April 19th! I am praying that I can make it that far. That will be put me at 37 weeks! God is so good.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.
Jeremiah, Courtnie, Koa and Baby Eli Bachert

Baby Shower!

Well this past weekend I had a baby shower. We had 13 family members come down from Fairbanks for the shower. We had a blast. My cousin Crystal and friend Annie threw the shower for me. It was a huge blessing. Thank you. My sister Mandi did the cake! Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Fabulous is what he said!

I wen to the doctor yesterday. He said I look Fabulous! My cervix is still thick so NO BED REST! I asked the Doctor to make sure on the sex. Because one Koa still thinks he is getting a sister and two my shower is next weekend so I just wanted to make sure. And YES it is for sure a BOY I saw the evidence!.
Baby Eli is weighing about 3 lbs 12oz and very active. He is still measuring a week a head of schedule. As of today Iam 30week and 2days.
I will post pictures of the baby shower next weekend.
Thank you for all of your prayers.
Jeremiah, Courtnie, Koa and Baby Eli Bachert