Sunday, April 30, 2006

Koa is still doing good!

Today I was able to hold Koa a couple of times. It seems like everytime I hold him he falls asleep. Then I put him back to bed and then he is wide awake.
When he cries he likes to hold Jeremiah's finger, it seems to clam him down.
I was holding Koa tonight and I noticed him turning red a little and then he grunted. Then he pooped. It was kinda funny.
They upped his feedings again. He lost a little weight now he weighs 3 Lb 1 oz. They measured him tonight and he is 14inch 1/4ths long. He is getting so cute.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for watching over Koa, Jeremiah and I.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Koa's 1st tub bath!

This evening was Koa's first tub bath and he hated it. We felt really bad for him. But he needed a bath bad. He cried the whole time. Jeremiah was holding the c-pap in. Jeremiah said that it was really hard to hold there cause Koa kept moving and it kept falling out.
Almost all day Koa was at 21% oxygen. He is doing really good with the c-pap. Last night at midnight was his last dose of steroids. They said in the next few days we might see him needing more oxygen. They said it would be okay if so.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Koa is doing GOOD!

All day today Koa was at 26% oxygen. He is doing pretty good. They started him on vitamins, they smell like prenatals. They put it in the feeding tube.
Jeremiah was able to hold Koa tonight for an hour. Koa tolerated it, dad was getting sleepy.
Koa has been sucking on the pacifier even more now that the vent tube is gone. Today the pacifier fell out of his mouth and he started to cry. So we gave him the pacifier and he was happy.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping Koa do so well with the big step.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Friday, April 28, 2006

Koa is off the ventilator!

This morning I went to see Koa at 7am and he was doing really good. The RT said that they are going to get him off the ventilator when ever the nurse is ready. I went and asked the nurse she said at 9am. So I left to get some sleep. I went back and they needed to wait for a doctor to stand by. So it happened at 10:43am and he did awesome! I was so scared cause of last time. I had another mom there with me and she took some pictures cause I couldn't watch them that out that tube. Not knowing what could happen. But it went good. He is at 26% oxygen and he is on the c-pap. I don't think he likes it cause he can hear his own cry and it scares him some times.
He is tolerating the feedings still. He lost some weight do to the steroids, only like .5 an oz.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping Koa today and giving him strength that he needed to stay off the vent.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Koa weighs 3 Lb 4 oz!

Today they started the steroids and so far its going good. His pressure requirements have come down from 20 to 16. Only with the first dose of steroids. They said they want the peep requirements at four. Right now it is at 6. They started him on caffeine already the docs are very pleased with the progress. His oxygen needs are at 25%.
When I went in to see Koa this morning his poop bag was leaking so I helped the nurse out. It was so funny cause everytime she went to but the wafer on he would poop and get it all over the place. I was holding his hands and feet down. But we finally got on there.
They upped his feedings again from 5.0 cc an hour to 5.3 cc an hour and he is not having a lot of stool output. Which is cool.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Koa Weighs 3 Lb 3 Oz!

Today Koa had a good day. He hasn't had a lot of stool output. Which the docs are really happy about it. They upped the feedings again from 4.6 cc an hour to 5.0 cc an hour.
They are talking about giving Koa steroids for three days to try to get him off the vent. But they said there is a chance that he might not be ready but they want to gave the steroids another try cause it had a very high improvement. Before they gave him the steroids his pressure on the vent was at 27 and now it is at 20. There is a big difference. So we will see.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for letting Koa have a good day.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
I tried to post a picture but the internet wasn't letting me. Sorry.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Koa weighs 3 Lb 1 Oz!

We finally find out about Koa's eye exam today. The doctor gave me 2 thumps up. Its looks good. What I understand is that He will be getting checked every couple of weeks for his eyes.
They upped his feedings again from 4.3 cc an hour to 4.6 cc an hour. He is tolerating it pretty good.
I was able to hold him again today. Almost for 3 hours. It was awesome. He slept the whole time but his Oxygen needs came way down when I was holding him. It felt good.
They did more blood work to see how is liver is doing. It looks like its doing good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for healing Koa and helping the Doctors do what they need to do for Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Koa is growing!

Koa is doing pretty good with his feedings they upped it to 4.3 cc an hour. His stool out put is really good.
Koa's oxygen needs have been good today. Nothing really changed today. We are just watching him grow.
I was able to hold him tonight for a couple of hours. He looks just like Jeremiah.
This past weekend I was looking at some pictures of Koa when he was first born. I cant believe how much bigger he is. I guess I put that in the back of my head.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Koa, Jeremiah and I the strength to get through this.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Today Koa is doing a little better

Today Koa has a pretty good day. He seems to be getting over the pneumonia and the other infection. So he is starting to feel better. So I got to hold him today and he was awake for awhile and then went to sleep for the rest of the time. He has been gaining weight so he is almost 3 pounds now so before to long he will be right there with me and sharing my clothes. And wrestling around the house. Tonight they had him in the don't for his head and we made sure his ears weren't getting smashed flat again. The nurses were telling us that Koa is a good baby he is nice and calm and happy. So that made Courtnie and I feel good. I'm not sure where he gets it from I'm thinking it must be Courtnie. Well there isn't much else going on here so I guess that's about it.
we thank you all for all of the prayers and support.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Friday, April 21, 2006

Today went good!

I think that Koa is feeling a lot better. I hope anyways. Koa looks a lot better and his Oxygen needs are a lot better today they were at 36% pretty much all day. He slept all day. He weighed 2Lb 12.5 Oz. They said that they are happy but they told me that if his weight goes down by a little its okay. His liver is doing a lot better.
Thank you everyone for all prayers and support.
Thank you God for healing Koa and helping us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Today was a little bumpy!

Koa had a x-ray and it didn't look good at all. He was having trouble breathing because of the pneumonia. But by the end of the night he was doing a lot better.
They did a culture on the mucus from his chest. They send it to the lab to see if there is an infection and they let it grow up to seven days. The first two days nothing was growing. The third there was the pneumonia. Also the Doctors are doing everything they can and We feel comfortable with it all. If we didn't we would talk to them. Sorry if I didn't explain that better.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa and Us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Today we found out the reason why Koa wasn't feeling good!

This morning I called and check up on Koa. The nurse said that he was doing good. But she had some bad news. My heart fell it seemed. She said that he has pneumonia and a urine tract infection. But the good news is that they put him on antibiotics right way when they found out. I talked to the PA and she said he will get over it. They are hoping that they caught it in time. It is caused from the Vent tube. That's is the reason why they want him off of it. He doesn't seem to be a yellow as much. He might be peeing the jaundice off which would be cool.
This afternoon he needed a blood transfusion. He looks really good now. I was able to hold him tonight. He is to cute. He seems to be more alert. In the morning they will be doing some lab work to check his Billi Direct. And also they will be doing an x-ray.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for keeping Koa strong.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Today was a busy day for Koa.

This morning Koa had a eye exam. His poor little eyes were red after words. The reason they did an eye exam is because they want to make sure that the Oxygen didn't cause damage to his eyes. We wont found out the results for a couple of days.
Also they did a study where they took Koa down to radiology. To see if they could get Koa to Poop from the bottom. It didn't work because there is scare tissue right where they made the ostonyon the lower end of his intestine. And we will have to wait until he is bigger to fix the scare tissue and to put him back together.
Koa was very out of it today. I think it was because he had so much going on today. I haven't seen him just lay there and do hardly anything. The nurse said that he is just wore out. Which I don't blame him. I would be too.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, April 17, 2006

No improvements today

Koa had a lot done to him today. They had to put a central line in. Last night he went through 3 IV's. They weren't staying in. Then they did more test to see whats going on. We got the blood tests back and it shows no infections. We are still waiting on the pee tests. His ultra sound that was done last night was good.
I talked to the doc he said we really need Koa to gain weight. He wants him at 1200 grams in the next few days. Right now he is at 1040 grams.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for healing Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Today was a rough day.

This morning they did a lot of tests on Koa to see what is going on. Because he is still not tolerating the milk. They found out that he is dehydrated again. So they have given him so more fluids and cut way back on the milk. He might be having a problem his liver. He is jaundice right now. Which is telling the Docs that there might be something going on. Tonight they did an ultra sound on his liver. We should find out more tomorrow about that. We really need him to grow. But he is having such a hard time with the milk. They are just trying to find out what he can handle.
But we have some good news. Koa's head ultra sound came back GOOD. They said everything looks normal. I am so happy about that. Also his Lungs is doing really good. They said they could take him off the vent. But not right now cause he is so weak and they want him to grow.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Jeremiah and I strength and faith. Also Thank you for Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Today he is about the same as yesterday.

No big changes today. He tolerated laying on his back all day in the donut thing. Which was pretty cool. I was able to hold him tonight. His head looks better. Hes doing good. Other than he is still having a little bit of trouble with the feedings. Not as bad as the other day.
Tonight there are going to do a heard ultra sound on him to see how is head is doing. They usually do it every couple of weeks.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for bringing Koa into our lives.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Here are some AWESOME PICS!

Koa is saying: Hi to EVERYONE. Thank you everyone for all the prayers!

This is the donut thing I was talking about. To shape his head. He doesn't like it that much.

We watched Koa sleep!

Today Koa was sleeping all day. We just sat there watching him and reading him stories. They upped his feedings. But later this afternoon he started dumping again. So they went down on his feedings and gave him so fluids. We are not sure what is next with all his feedings. They might have to put him on predigested milk. But we don't know. That's what we are thinking. Jeremiah helped the nurse weigh Koa and he took Koa's temp. It was cute.
the outfits that the Osborne's and Meadowlakes Baptist church got him. We had Koa's name put on them. So when he is off the IV we will dress him up. We will take pictures and put them on here for you all get to see.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for keeping us positive and giving us Koa!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Koa is making baby steps!

Today Koa is tolerating his milk. So maybe tomorrow they will add some calories to it. He still has the IV cause he is only getting 5cc an hour of milk and 1.5cc of fluids and calories. So they said when he is tolerating 6.5cc an hour of milk and 20 cal. They will take him off the IV.
This afternoon I got to hold him for 2 hours. He slept the whole time. Jeremiah is going to hold him tonight. They got really busy in there earlier. So we are going to go back later.
Other than that Koa is doing good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa for another day.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie


We went a step backwards today

Today they found out the reason why his heart rate was up yesterday. It was because the bed that he had thought he was cold so it was heating him up. So they changed beds and now his heart rate is normal now.
But this morning he was having a hard time with his feedings. He was dumping it out. So they decreased the calories in the milk from 24 cal to 20 cal. And he was still dumping. So they gave him pedalite. And started an IV cause he was dehydrated. The Doc thinks its because he couldn't handle that many calories. So hopefully tomorrow or the next day he will be off the IV. And tonight when I got back to the room the nurse called and said that they giving him half milk and half pedalite. If he does good with that they will give him full strength milk in the morning.
Hopefully he does good. I know he will.
Tonight I got to hold him again. He was wide awake. He is so cute.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Koa had a rough day!

Koa is still trying to recoop from yesterday. I got to hold him today it was awesome. His heart rate has been up all day. They thought that his heart rate was up maybe because he was hot. But it doesn't seem to be that. So they did a UA but we are waiting for the results. Then they thought he might be in pain cause of the hernia. So they gave him .08ml of tylenol. But it didn't seem to change his heart rate. So in a couple of hours they are going to do some blood work. To see if that will tell them know whats going on. Before they started investigating they put him in his favorite position for two hours and left him alone. They thought that would do the trick. But it didn't. they think that he is just stressed out from yesterday. It is so hard to sit next to his bed and not be able to help him. Other than hold his hand, tell him that We love him so much. It just bugs me not knowing what is causeing all of this. Its hard to stand around and wait for the results. And having so many things go through your head wondering what could it be. His Oxygen needs are at 22%. The settings on the ventilator are really low. They want him to gain more weight before they try again to get him off of the vent.
Tonight it was cute. They had to put a bag on him to pee in. He lifted his leg, up by his chest. It was funny. Then all day he was trying to position himself. He would lift his head completely off the bed and move himself. It was cool. But not really cause he could pull the ventilater tube out. And that wouldn't be good.
Well Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa, Jeremiah and I.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, April 10, 2006

Today was nerve racking!

Today Koa was doing pretty good. They started him on Caffeine. Its suppose to help him breath. It does something to his brain to help him. This afternoon they took him off the vent. The first three hours was very nerve racking. Then all of the sudden he was doing really good. So I went to dinner. When I came back he wasn't doing that good at all. He was tired. He was having apnea and braidies like every other minute. So they put the tube back in. So he is back on the vent. I could so notice a big difference with him when they put him back on the vent. His Oxygen needs went way down. But also the Vent is doing all the work for him. But I did hear him cry. I wanted to cry with him. It was like he was saying Help me mom. I wanted to just take him and hold and wish that I could of told him everything was going to be okay. Every time I think about it I want to cry. But the Doctor said that they will try again in a few weeks. She wants him to gain more weight. He has lost a lot of weight because of the steroids. The Doc said she's not surprised that he has lost weight. She said it might be water weight that he has lost. Which is good. This afternoon when I came in to see him. He had his hand in his diaper. I asked the nurse why did you do that. He said that Koa put his hand there. It was so cute. I really didn't want to leave him tonight. But I know that I also need sleep.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa for another day.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Koa is about the same.

Koa is doing pretty good. He is still on the vent. He's about 24%-30% all day. Even on his back. We were all impressed. They upped his feeding to 6.5cc an hour and upped to 23 calories. So he is doing good with all that. I talked to the nurse practisioner tonight and asked her when she thought Koa was going to be off the vent. She said when they feel good about it or when he shows that he is ready. She said that they will review all of his progress these last few days and talk to the Doctors and the nurse who has had him. So will see. She said it could happen tomorrow or in the next couple weeks.
Koa has the cutest blonde hair, and its curly!
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything you have done for us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Koa is about the same as yesterday,

Koa is doing pretty good. He is the same as yesterday in the vent. No big changes yet.
He really doesnt like being on his back. Its funny he knows how to get his way with the nurse. He just starts alarming all of the alarms. Then they move him back to his tummy. They are going up in calories in the milk from 22 calories to 23 calories. So thats a change. He looks really good. Now they are trying to shape is head. For he doesnt have a halibut head. But he isnt tolerating that to well. they have a donut thing that put his head in. He cant be on his tummy. and he has to be still. So they are just waiting for when he can tolerate being on his back for longer period of time. Other than that he is doing good!
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa and Us!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Friday, April 07, 2006

Today Koa is still improving

Koa was given the steroids for his lungs. This should make it easier for him to get off the ventilator. He also is off of the IV fluids now. The doctors are surprised that the steroids are all ready working. So pretty much he has been sleeping and resting today. Today Courtnie's mom and her sister Shelby are here for the week end so we have company but other than that things are getting better and better. Oh and we are noticing that he looks mad and looks like he is crying now when he is upset, and smiles when he is happy. So these are cool improvements also.
Well we are off to bed so thanks again to everyone for there prayers and support.
We love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Another blessing from God.

Koa has had a good day. His oxygen needs are at 27 to 30% all day. He also had an echo done on his heart. To make sure that everything has healed up from the hypretension in his lungs. Which caused his heart to get thick. But everything was really good. So tomorrow they might try to give him steroids to help him get of the vent. If they don't try they wont know if it will work or not. And he has been doing good lately. They really want to get him off the vent, cause its caused more scare tissue in his lungs. They think he is doing good enough to do the steroids. I know they wouldn't do this if they didn't feel comfortable with everything. The Doctor seems really confident. So they will put him on a Cpap. So we get to hear him cry for the first time. I am so excited.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping/ healing Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It was a good day for Koa!

Koa had another good day. He is tolerating his feedings pretty good. So tomorrow they might go up on the feedings.
Tonight I got to help the nurse weigh him. It was pretty cool. He weighs 2Lb 8oz. He lost a little weight cause of the diuretic medicine. Then every Monday,Wednesday and Friday he gets shot in his leg. Called Epo. It is supposed to help him make red blood cells. They said that he will be getting that until he goes home. I also got to hold him for an hour. I loving holding him.
Thank you all for the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa for another day.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Today went pretty good, But tonight was a little hard.

Today Koa had a good day. His Oxygen needs were down to 35%. Which is AWESOME. They didn't really change anything today. They are making sure that he can handle the feedings okay before they up it again.
Tonight was a little hard. It was like 11:45 and we went to change his diaper and we notice that his poop bag was leaking so we had to change that. He didn't really like that. After that we noticed that his IV was leaking AGAIN. So they had to give him a new one. He actually did pretty good with all of it. I didn't. I felt really bad for him. But other than that he is doing pretty good. Looking cute as ever.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa, Jeremiah and I. You are awesome.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, April 03, 2006

Here are some cool pics!

Today went good!

Koa is doing good. He is tolerating the nurses touching, and changing his diaper a lot more. Which is nice to see. He had his eyes open most of the night. He is so CUTE. He loves sucking on that pacifier. I have to hold it there for him. If not it falls out. He had an x-ray this morning and it looks the same as all the other. Really no improvement. They upped his diuretic medicine. To see if he can pee of some of the fluid in his lungs. They mixed the milk with some extra calories, so hopefully he does good with that for they can up his feeding more. To get rid of the IV. They had to give him a new IV tonight. Cause the old one was leaking.He did pretty good with that. I was surprised. I didn't do that good just watching it. But oh well.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa for another day.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Koa got a pacifier!

Today went good. Jeremiah and I got to hold Koa. It was cool when Jeremiah was holding Koa. Koa was sucking on a pacifier. It was cute. I will try to put some pics on tomorrow.
They went up on his feedings again. They said hopefully in the next couple of days he will not need an IV. And that he will be getting all of his nutrition by the milk. All the nurse think that Koa will have RED hair. Other than that, Koa is doing good.
Thank you all for the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done Koa, Jeremiah and I.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Another good day for Koa

So today Koa did good and seemed to enjoy the pranking on April fools day. It seemed like every time the nurses would walk away he would either hold his breath and "sat" low or "sat" high and as soon as they would come back he would go right back to being good. So over all Koa had a good day and kept the nurses on there toes. Me I was like oh no there is another one of me. Or should I say another one of us uncle Ray, papa Tom and papa Sherman. So world beware there is a new little tear. Just ask his nurses today. But I think that its back to that old sang boys will be boys. The doctors are weaning Koa off of the morphine and he should bee off of that by 2:00am. This is a great step for Koa because it is just one step closer to getting off of the ventilator. They upped his feedings again so he should continue to grow more and more.
my friend bill is here for a couple of days so he was able to meet Koa.
well good night to everyone and thanks again to every one for your prayers and support.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert