Busy Busy
We have been in Fairbanks a lot it seems. In June we were there for 2 weeks while Jeremiah was working and then we were just up there for Leah's wedding. And of course I didn't get any pictures with our camera's Sorry.
Eli is getting so big. about a month ago he weighed 12lbs 9oz. and 24.5 inches long. He is a really happy baby. Full of smiles. We are so blessed.
Koa is doing an awesome job as a big brother he absolutely loves Eli. We we got home from Fairbanks this last time we had to seat the boys next to each other and then the next day we put Eli next to the door and Koa by other door. Jeremiah left Koa in the truck to go grab something and when he returned Koa had moved his car seat next to Eli's it was cute. So now sits next Eli and loves singing to him and talking. Koa starts Kindergarten in month and its all day. I am sure gonna miss him. But he is so ready for work. (aka School)
I will posting more pictures from my phone here shortly
Love you all
Jeremiah, Courtnie, Koa and Eli Bachert