Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Koa weighs 5lb 1oz!

This morning I played with Koa. I had a blast watching his face expressions. I probably played with him for 1 hour or so. Afterwords I put him back into bed and read him a bedtime story. He slept for six hours. I could tell that I wore him out. So I didn't get a chance to try bottle feed, he was to sleepy.
Tonight they did the laser eye surgery. It took about 45min. The Doctor said everything went prefect! He also said that he hasn't ever had a kid that was as calm as Koa. He was very impressed. So was the nurse.
Other than that is doing good. Just growing.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping Koa get through his laser eye surgery.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Koa weighs 4lb 14 oz!

This morning Koa got his eye exam. Tomorrow or the next day he will be getting the laser eye surgrey done. Which is a good thing.
The developmental lady came by and told me that we are a loud to play with Koa with toys and stuff. I was excited.
Other than that he is doing good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Koa the strength he needs to get through the hurdles ahead.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, May 29, 2006

Koa had an exciting day!

This afternoon we were able to give Koa his 1st bottle. He took 10cc out of 14cc. He slept pretty much all day today.
Tonight we gave him another bottle he took 2cc out of 14cc. He fell asleep.
Tomorrow is when he has his eye exam to see how is eyes are doing.
Other than that he is doing good.
Thank all of you for your prayers and support.
thank God for today and for guiding the doctors and nurses in Koa's care as well as guiding us.
we love you all,
Koa Jeremiah and Courtnie

Koa got another bath

Koa was sleeping most of the day. He got another bath. It was funny he seemed to like the warm water. We took some pictures. We don't have to much to say about today other than he is doing good.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Thank God for every thing you have done for us and for the other parents and babies.
We love all of you
Koa Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Koa weighs 4lb 15oz!

This morning Jeremiah talked to the surgeon that will be performing the intestines surgery. Koa is scheduled for the 6th of June. The surgeon wants a eye exam done before surgery. Just to make sure everything will be okay if Koa needs a lot of oxygen during the surgery.
Koa slept all day. He is getting so big.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support,
Thank you God for giving Koa the strength to fight everything.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Koa is still sleeping and growing

so last night Koa decided to pull out his own feeding tub. so the is rapped like a little burito now so he cant tdo it again. Koa was up for a little bit to play with me and look around the NICU. He is doing good though. And is being sweet for the most part and throughs small fits when he wants his dipper changed again or wants to get held. Courtnie and I have a couple of friends that are having it rough so we ask that you also keep them in your prayers and keep them strong through the bumps in there road. Courtnie was back home for the first time since all of this had started. I know that it was hard on her to be away from Koa and I but she had to go back to work for the last two days and will be back here tomarrow. in all i think it was good for her to go home for a couple of days to releave some of the stress of the NICU.
Thank all of you for your prayers and support.
Thank God for today and for keeping Koa safe also for guiding the doctor and nurses in there decisions.
We love you all and thanks again.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Friday, May 26, 2006

Koa is doing good

Koa yesterday slept most of the day. He only would cry if he was wanting to get held or if he wanted to get his diapper changed. Koa is growing and sleeping. The nurse last night said that he is showing signs of being ready to start bottle feeds. But they might wait until the intestine surgery is done. So that we take one step at a time.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Thank God for every day that we have had and for guiding the doctors and us in Koa's care.
We love you all and thank all of you again.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Koa slept all day again.

This afternoon the infection doctor came by and took him off of the antibiotic for the meningitis. We also talked to the surgeon on Monday and he said that will put Koa on the Scheduled for Tuesday and on Saturday he will look at Koa. To see if he is ready or not. If he is, the surgery will be on Tuesday this coming week. If he is not it will be the following week.
Other than that they upped his calories in the milk from 20 cal to 22 cal. Koa is still on the nasal canula.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for working in our lives.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Koa is doing good!

Koa slept all day. He was pretty boring. Nothing new.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping us through this.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, May 22, 2006

Koa is doing good!

Koa had a good day. He is still off the c-pap and is on nasal canal. I was playing patty cake with Koa he wasn't to sure what to think.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, love and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Koa had an interesting day!

This morning I went in to see Koa and he was off the c-pap to give his nose a rest. He was wide awake. He was doing so well that they kept him off all day. He is at 30% oxygen and seems and looks like he is happy with it.
This evening they moved Koa to other side of the nursery where they babies are not that bad. They said Koa has been ready to move but they were just waiting for the right time.
Koa is back in a open crib.
Koa is doing good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, love and support.
Thank you God for giving Koa the strength he needs.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Koa had a busy day!

This morning Jeremiah was holding Koa and went to put him back in bed. Jeremiah noticed that Koa pooped all over him it was kinda funny. Koa's poop bag was leaking. They had to change his bag a couple of times today.
This afternoon they put in a surgical central line in. It is in his rightside of his chest. They gave him morphine and adivan (i think). Koa didnt need the vent he was breathing pretty good with the C-pap. They kept a close eye on him.
Tonight when I went to see him he was really fussy. So I was able to hold. He clamed down after awhile. They started his feedings again and he was a very happy little boy. He fell right a sleep. Also they gave him very little of morphine to take the edge off. They were gonna give him tylenol. But they didnt want to because they were he might through it up. By the time I left he was sleeping pretty good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, love and support.
Thank you God for watching over Koa today while they did the surgical central line.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Friday, May 19, 2006

Koa is good!

Koa has had a good day. Nothing has really changed. He weighs 4lb. 9oz. He is looking good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for guiding us through this journey.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Koa is getting cuter by the minute!

This morning when Jeremiah and I saw Koa we kissed him on the cheek and he smiled it was so cute. Koa is doing good.
This afternoon the development lady came by and said that she played with Koa and that she is really impressed by how well he is doing with his moving, alertness, eye contact, recognizing people voices and how well he tolerate being touched. She told Jeremiah and I that we are doing a great job. It felt good to us to hear that.
Koa's IV fell out of his foot so they couldn't get one in anywhere else so they put one in his scalp. It doesn't look to bad. They are going to wait to put the central line for a couple of days.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, love and support.
Thank you God for giving us family and friends that love us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Koa had a stressful day.

This morning they found out that his blood culture came back negative yesterday instead of positive. Something happened to the paper work. But thet tripled checked it and it was negative which is good. When they found out that they wanted to put in a central line so they don't have to keep giving him IV's every 12 hours. Because of the antibiotics are really rough on his veins. They tried once this morning and once this afternoon and once this evening and they couldn't get it. So Koa looks like a pin board. We feel really bad for him but we know it will be better for him once they get it.
Koa is doing pretty good. His Oxygen requirements are between 21% to 26%. His is 4lb. 7oz. Today we went to take pictures of him and we forgot the camera card in the computer. So maybe tomorrow we will get some pictures. Other than that he is doing good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, support and Love.
Thank you God for keeping Koa strong!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Koa is doing good!

Today they got back the test results on the blood culture and it was positive. So they are going to do another blood culture in a few days. They also did the eye exam this morning and it is the same as last weeks. It could go either way still. Also the spinal tap came back negative which means he doesn't have meningitis.
Today we hanged out with Koa all day. I was able to hold him today for a little while. Jeremiah changed his 1St diaper last night. He did a good job.
Tonight we gave Koa another bath. At first he didn't like it. Jeremiah was rubbing his back and he fell asleep. It was cute. Koa also got a massage from a nurse that is trained in newborn massage. He really enjoyed it!
As soon as we put him back to bed he fell right to sleep.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Koa the strength that he needs to get over the infection.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, May 15, 2006

Koa is doing pretty good today. His oxygen needs are going down, tonight he was at 25 to 30 %. Koa is still fussy but seems to be happy as soon as Courtnie and I hold his hand. Tonight Courtnie and I were able to hold him again. It is cool how he just sleeps and sucks on his pacifier when we hold him. He is getting a little bigger he was almost 4 pounds 6 ounces weighing in at 1993 grams. When he was born as you can remember he weighed a wopping 610 grams or 1 pound 5 and half ounces.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Thank you God for today and guiding the doctors and nurses in there care of Koa.
We love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Koa is still improving

Koa is doing a little better today. The blood cultures show that the infection was still there as of a couple of days ago. The good news is that his spinal fluid cultures haven't shown any signs of the infection. He is still fussy so that a good sign that he is getting better.
Courtnie and I were able to hold Koa today. He did very good other than getting so relaxed that he would just forget to breath. But with a little encouragement he would start right back up.
Koa has a head ultrasound tonight to make sure that there is no head bleeds. And on Tuesday he will get his eyes checked.
Courtnie and I are going to talk to the doctors about having his intestine surgery postponed to a later date. So that he will have more time to grow strong and get over these infections.
So Koa is doing good and is going to have a big week. We pray that God will guide us and the doctors in our decisions and keep Koa strong.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Thank God for watching over Koa and guiding the Doctors in his care.
We love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Koa is still improving

So today Koa was going good. Koa was more active today. The doctors took him off of the ventilator. And put him back on the cpap, and seems to be doing ok . His blood work is showing that the infection is gone. But they are going to keep checking on the cultures to make sure that they aren't growing anything. He will be on the antibiotics for the next 14 days to assure that there isn't any infection hiding out that might come back. He is scheduled to have his intestine surgery on the 25th. As long as nothing else happens and he is healthy. So we will just pray and hope that God will only let the surgery happen if it is supposed to happen. So Koa is 4 pounds and 2 ounces today. He lost a little but we think that some of his weight he has gained in the last few days if from the blood transfusions and other IV stuff he is getting. So Koa is doing pretty good.
Thanks for all of the prayers, love and support.
Thank you god for today and for listening to our prayers.
We love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Koa is stable.

Today Koa is looking a lot better than yesterday even. He is still on the vent. They did another spinal tap to see how everything is going. We will know the test results hopefully by Sunday.
Koa weighs 4Lb 2oz.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers, support and love.
Thank you God for giving Koa the ability to fight!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Friday, May 12, 2006

Koa has meningitis...

They found out this morning and switched his antibiotics. They said he will be on medicine for 21 days.
Koa was put back on the ventilator yesterday. He was having a hard time breathing and the doctors wanted to put him back on the ventilator so he didn't need to work as hard so he can fight the infection. He doesn't need much support from the vent. But it is helping him. They said that he might be able to get off the vent in a couple of days. His platelets count is low, they might need to give him a transfusion again.
Koa looks a lot better today than a couple of days ago. He weighs 4Lb.
Tomorrow they are doing a lot more tests tomorrow to see how its going.
Please everybody keep Koa in your prayers. Please!
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for guiding the doctors to do what is right for Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Koa is still acting sick

I talked with the doctor and nurse this morning. And was told that he has not one but two infections. Staf and yeast . They are treating him with both. Koa is looking pretty out of it like when they rolled him over this morning he couldn't even hold up his arms by him self. But his color looked better by the time I left.
So Koa is acting a little better this after noon he seems to have even better color and is a little more active. So he might be feeling a little better. Lets all pray and keep our fingers crossed.
Thank you all for your prayers and support,
Thank god for watching over Koa and giving Courtnie and I the strength to get through all of this.
We love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Koa is feeling a little better.

I didn't get much sleep last night. I was up worried about Koa. This afternoon when I went to see Koa he looked a little better. He was sleeping pretty good. I talked to the nurse and they are thinking that he got the infection from a scratch that is on his thumb. He likes to suck on his hands and thumb. They have been keeping the scratch very clean as much as they can. They did a culture on it right when they found it and there wasn't any infection then. But now there is one. The doctors still have him on two different antibiotics. This afternoon he was more himself. Looking around and fighting me when I was changing his diaper.
They are also giving him a blood transfusion. They think that's why he was so pale.
Other than that he his doing a lot better.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving the doctors the ability to help Koa to get better and giving Jeremiah and I the strength to help Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Koa wasn't feeling good today!

I went in today to see Koa and I noticed that he was very pale. So I talked to the Doctor he said that they had done some blood work and nothing has come back showing signs of an infection. They put Koa on antibiotics to be on the safe side. But he was looking a lot better by the time I left.
We will keep you all posted.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for helping the doctors do what they need to help/heal Koa.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Koa is a big boy now!

Koa has moved on up to a crib. He looks so small in it. They said that he is old enough and weighs enough that he can keep his own body heat up. He sure is a cutie sporting the crib.
Koa weighs 3Lb 11oz. He is doing pretty good. Just sleeping and growing.
Here are some pictures of the little man.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support!
Thank you God for loving Koa and us.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Koa's still growing

Koa did great today. He was sleeping most of the day just eating and growing. He was a little fussy tonight but calmed down as soon as Courtnie held his hand and gave him his pacifier. But as soon as she would let go he would start crying and be right back to fussing so I held him for a little wail and put him to bed. Then we read him his good night story. We talked to the doctor and they said that they were very proud of Koa because he hasn't had any apnea since he has been off the ventilator and think that they are going to take him off of the caffeine that they have been giving him. Courtnie is doing a great job of taking care of Koa. She has been changing his diaper, using a syringe to suck out the poop in his poop bag, taking his temp, cleaning his mouth, and holding his pacifier.
Thanks to everyone for there prayers and support.
We thank god for taking such great care of Koa and us.
We love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Friday, May 05, 2006

Koa's a great little boy

So today Koa is still doing good. We took him off of the c-pap and put him on the nasal canula for almost a half hour. But he is still a little too small to be able to breath all on his own. He weighed 3 pounds and 8 ounces so he is still growing. He was at room air or 21% oxygen pretty much all day. He seems to be more alert to day looking around and smiling. Or looking concerned when someone opens the bed door to hold his hand or change his diaper. So pretty much Koa is just growing and being a great little boy. He even shoots a quick hello noise once and awhile.
We thank all of you for the prayers and support.
We thank god for today and for keeping Koa safe and improving today.
We love you all,
Koa Courtnie and Jeremiah

Koa was able to get another tub bath!

They put Koa on a nasal canual for the bath. It was only for 15 minutes. He did good with all of it. I wasn't doing good. It was just hard thinking that any minute it could go bad. But it didn't. I was happy.
Koa had a bath today. His skin is dry. He really enjoyed it today. Well I think so because he peed and pooped in the tube while he was sleeping. It was cute.
Koa is doing good. I talked to the surgeon that does his stomach. He said that he wants Koa at 4lb 5oz. When he does they reconnection and he will fix his hernias. He was really impressed how well Koa looks. The surgeon said Keep growing Koa!
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for everything that you have done for Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Same as yesterday no changes.

Koa is doing good. I am able to hold him twice a day. He seems to enjoy it just as much as i do.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Koa weighs 3Lb 2 oz!

This picture ia an old one sorry.
This morning Koa had an eye exam and the doctor said that he wants to check his eyes next week cause he is at threshold where he could go either way.
They went down on his feedings to 4.0 cc an hour. Because they needed to put a whole bunch of stuff in the TPN. To help his bones.
They gave him his 1st vaccines tonight. They were supposed to start them awhile ago but they had him on steroids so they needed to wait until that was done.
Koa seems to be way more alert. His eyes are more opened. When I hold him he likes to see everyone who walks by. His eyes follows them, its cute.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving Koa the strength that he needs to get through everything.
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie

Monday, May 01, 2006

Today was a good day!

Koa is doing good. He was having a little hard time with his feedings so they went back to 5.5 cc an hour. Right now they are thinking of holding the feedings where there are. Until they put him back together. They are afraid of him dumping and getting dehydrated. So to stop it they are going hold the feedings.
Koa isn't liking the c-pap to well. He keeps pulling it out of his nose.
Other than that he doing good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa!
Koa, Jeremiah and Courtnie