Friday, March 31, 2006

Koa had a good day

Today Koa had a good day. I was able to hold Koa today for about an hour and a half. This was only the second time I was able to hold him so it was so great again. Koa was having a rough morning his oxygen needs were up to about 70%. They said that he was up on his needs because he doesn’t like to be on his back for very long. It made me feel good that when I was holding him his oxygen needs went down and stayed down after they put him back in his bed. He seemed to be good the rest of the day. So today we talked to a doctor and they said that hopefully Koa will be off of the vent in a week or two if he continues to progress. They have upped his feedings again and I was mistaken about the number of calories he was getting he is only getting about 100 calories per kilogram per day. But this is still the number of calories that babies grow at. This morning they did another head ultrasound. It was good and showed that there is no head bleed. Koa also had a blood gas, the blood gas was good. So Koa had a good day and seems to be doing well tonight.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
We love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

The PIC !!!!!

Today Koa had a good day

Today Koa slept most of the day. He had upped his feedings. The nurse said that he is getting about 100 calories per kilogram per hour. And they say that this is the number of calories that it takes for a baby to grow. So he should be growing more and more every day. The doctor also said that Koa's biggest hurdle is getting off of the ventilator. So we are hoping that in the next few weeks he will be able to get off of the vent. And on to a CPAP machine which is the next step in helping his lungs. But right now he is getting over the pneumonia. Well today was good as I said so there isn't much to write.
we thank you all again for all of the prayers and support.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Koa is getting bigger weighing almost 2Lb 6oz!

Koa had a better day today than yesterday. His oxygen needs wasn't so up and down. He tolerated a lot more today. They increased his feedings. He seems to be doing good with that so far.
Tonight we got back from dinner and his nurse was like guess what? We were like what? He poop in this diaper. It was HUGE. Jeremiah and I were like how did something that big come from something so tiny. We have a picture of it, we will post tomorrow night. We thought it was cool cause he has poop bag and he still poop in the diaper.
But other than that he is doing okay. We are just praying that the pneumonia gets better. In a couple of days they will test him and see how it is doing with the antibiotics.
Thank you all for the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa for another day.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Today was a little up and down.

This morning they decreased the Morphine a little. And he doesn't like that all. So all day he was very jumpy and mad. He had an x-ray and it showed more scar tissue. Which is caused by the ventilator. We talked to Doc tonight and he reassured us that he's more than likely gonna pull through this. He said he sees a lot of kids like Koa that come back in a couple years to see him. So it made Jeremiah and I very happy to hear that. Tonight the nurse and I gave Koa a little bath. He didn't like that at all, he was kicking and throwing his arms everywhere. I felt bad. But he REALLY need a bath. He smells a lot better. It was really like a sponge bath. But after that he went to sleep.
Thank you all for the prayers and support.
Thank you God for giving us Koa for another day.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Koa is doing good

So today Koa seemed to still be getting better. Today he was able to start getting breast milk so that was a great step forward. courtnie has been able to hold him for 3 days in a row, she is supper happy about that. The lab work came back and Koa has an infection that is being treated. So we pray that it will go away. He seems to be growing pretty good. He is 13.5 inches long and is about 2 lbs 2oz. But other than the infection in his lungs he seems to be doing good. So we will just keep praying that Koa gets stronger and that the infection clears up.
we thank all of you for your prayers and support.
we thank god for every day we have had with Koa and ask God to strengthen him so we can have more days with Koa in the future.
Thanks again and we love all of you.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Monday, March 27, 2006

Today was another blessing from God.

Today I (Courtnie) got to hold Koa again today for an hour. It is so cool to be able to cuddle and see him relax when I am holding him. Today it seems like he has improved a little bit with his lungs. We are so happy about that. They went up on his feedings today.
Tonight when we were reading his bedtime stories he opened his eyes. It is so amazing how cool it feels when he looks up at you. I love it. Jeremiah went and read him a story, he kept his eyes open the whole time. After words we sat there talking to him and telling him that we Love him so much. Jeremiah rubbed his eyebrows and he fell asleep. It was so cute! I think that Jeremiah just started a habit that he might have to do all the time when Koa is restless. Jeremiah had a smile from ear to ear.
Thank you all for the prayers and support. It has been a blessing.
God is awesome!!
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Sunday, March 26, 2006

If a picture can say a thousand words here are a few

Good night and thanks again for all of the prayers gifts love and support from all of you. Thank you God for today and keeping us all safe.
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Today Koa was doing ok

Today was about the same as yesterday. He was still using about the same oxygen on the ventilator. And was having his ups and downs with his oxygen saturation.
we went out today with our friends Angel and her son David (Koa's Uncle David);). When we out we got a phone call from the doctor that was on duty. This is where things got exciting. He tells us that they are going to change Koa's breathing tube because they think that he has out grown the tube that he got when he was born. So I get the message from Courtnie. So I'm like when are they doing this because 2 days ago I talked to a RT that told me that they didn't want replace it because he wasn't quite big enough to need the bigger tube yet. And that by doing putting a bigger tube in that it could hert Koa trachea. Courtnie tells me that they are going to put the tube in as soon as we get back because she asked them to wait until we got there if they could. So we quick leave and go back to the hospital to be there and try to comfort Koa from a distance. But as we walk in and are washing up we find out that they have already started to do the procedure to switch the tubes. I was like OK I thought they were going to wait until we got back to do this. But I think that it was again God helping us (Courtnie and I) because I thing that seeing our son go through that would have been another one of those things that was better off to be there after and comfort him letting him know that every thing was ok. When they took the tube out there was some green secretions on the end of the tube that was in his lungs. This was a surprise to every one the doctors nurses and us. This green stuff could be a sign of an infection in his lungs. So they sent it off to the lab to be cultured and tested to see what it was. We are praying that it isn't an infection and the nurse tonight doesn't thing that it was an infection just secretions that built up on the tube over time. The good thing is that Koa isn't showing any signs of an infection and the tubes being changed could have taken a brewing infection out of his lungs and will make it possible for the doctors to treat it if there is one in his lungs better.
when we got to Koa's bed the doctor and nurses were done with the procedure and told us that it had gone very well. Right after they hooked the vent to Koa he soon needed only room air witch is 21% oxygen and was satting in the high 90's so it looked like the tube change had worked. But by the time we left at about 1am he was back to his old self. Of not liking being touched by any one but his mommy. Not to say that he wouldn't have liked me holding his hand also I was chicken and didn't push it for once in my life. So when we left he was needing about 35% oxygen from the vent and his oxygen saturation was up and down from the high 70's to mid 90's. So he could be better. But has improved since last week and I think he has improved from the new tube also I thing that just the switching of the tubes took it out of him. I look at it like this it would be like you or I waking up in the morning with these huge people holding you down and putting a garden hose down our throat into our lungs. I don't know about you but I know I would be a little pissed off too. So I cant blame him for being touchy.
I just thank God for looking out for my little guy and for Courtnie and I. And for guiding the doctors and nurses in Koa's care. And most of all for answering our prayers.
thank you all again for your prayers and gifts and for your love and support.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Friday, March 24, 2006

Some more pictures of Koa (its not that bright by him I played with the cam to brighten things up )

Today Koa is still improving

As the day progressed Koa seemed to be getting a little better. Today he was down to 30% oxygen for a good part of the afternoon. The doctors are weaning him off of the morphine which is a slow process. It seems like after they take the dose of morphine down that Koa is more restless and irritated by things like the nurses changing is diaper and moving him. But seems to get used to the touch after a short time. Tonight his eyes were open as we read his good night stories to him. He seemed to enjoy every second of his mom and I reading to him. Boy o boy do I love that little guy more and more every day. I thank God for the days that he has given Courtnie and I with Koa.
well I'm heading off to bed so thank you all for your prayers and support.
thanks again to God for answering our prayers and helping us through these times.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Today was a good day

Koa is now getting full strength predigested milk. He is still at 3cc every four hours.
Today went pretty good with his Oxygen. The RT said that he is improving.
Yesterday when Jeremiah was holding Koa it was so cool. Jeremiah had a smile from ear to ear after words. It was awesome. I cant wait until we can hold him whenever we want.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support it means a lot to us.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

some new pictures of Koa

So I got to hold the little guy for the first time

How something so small can make you feel so good. Only a dad could know how I felt today holding my little son. It was like nothing I have ever done. It was cool and scary at the same time. He is so small I felt like he was going to fall right out of my arms but he didn't. And his stats went up when I was holding him. I think the coolest part was him looking up at me with his little blue eyes and kicking me with his little feet. Oh do I thank God for today the best dad of my life. Little Koa laying in my arms half sleeping half awake. Sometimes still as can be other times kicking and making quick faces as if he were dreaming. Boy oh boy what a great day. Koa had a better day today and is increasing on his feedings and seems to be getting stronger and stronger. It is kind of cool because last week he had almost no facial expressions and this week he has some short fast mad happy faces. And seems to be opening his eyes more. And is able to track my finger and look at me when I talk so I am sure that he can see.
I thank you all for all of the prayers and gifts.
I thank god again for today and for giving me the family and friends that I have.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Monday, March 20, 2006

Koa's feeding are going good

Koa is tolerating the feedings good so far. So he should be able to start gaining weight. Today was an ok day for little Koa he seemed to be very touchy again and just wanted to sleep. Tonight he started to get a little better with his oxygen saturation. But was still not liking to be looked at or messed with. To day I was supposed to be able to hold Koa. But between him not wanting to be touched and the NICU being under staffed with tech's,and getting very busy with 3 new arrivals I didn't get to hold him today. But I'm sure that I will get to tomorrow or the next day. I think it was Gods way of saying not to day so I'm good with that in mind that God knows what's best. Today Courtnie, Crystal and Brittany all went to a nail place to get there feet pampered and have some relax time. Crystal is Courtnie's cousin who just had a baby girl that is doing great. Brittany is the other mom that is in the NICU with us. Her son is buddy's with Koa. courtnie's aunt and uncle Sims were in town this week end as well as my Dad and Sister Rachel.
thank you all again for your love and prayers.
thank you God for every day and for answering all of the prayers from our friends, family and us.
we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Koa's first feeding today!

This afternoon Koa received his first feeding. We were so excited. It is predigested milk, they water it down to make sure he can handle the food. I got to change Koa's diaper all by myself, it was so cool.
Tomorrow Jeremiah and I might be able to hold Koa again. We talked to the Doctor tonight and he said that he is seeing progress and improvement. Also Koa is lying on his back so his head can round out better.

Thank you for all the prayers and support.


Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Another good day!

We are so happy that Koa is having a good day. The Doctor said that they might feed Koa a little bit tomorrow if he has a good night.
Jeremiah is feeling better. I am doing good.
I am not sure what to write because everything seems to be going good right now.
Thank you for all the Prayers and support.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today he was Stable

Today went pretty good. He is off the Nitric Oxide, and trying to get him off the blood pressure medicine. So hopefully in the next two to three days they might start feeding Koa a little.
He weighs about 1lb 12oz. Jeremiah is feeling better.
Thank you for all the prayers and the support.
We love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sorry for not updating you guys yesterday the internet connection was bad.

Yesterday we found out that Koa has chronic Lung Diease. Which he can grow out of. But he more than likely will be coming home with an Oxygen machine. He was doing okay yesterday. They came down on the Nitric Oxide Gas because its not making a difference/ not helping him.
Jeremiah has been sick with a high temp, and feeling sick to his stomach.
Koa was doing good today. He is not as swollen like he has been. He had his eyes opened a lot tonight. I love it when they are open. He is still having a hard time keeping his Oxygen needs stable. They have been up and down all day today.
Thank you so much for all the prayers and support.
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sorry for not updating yesterday

Yesterday Koa went back a step he was up and down all day with his oxygen needs. This continued through the night. Then this morning things seemed to look up for the little guy his oxygen needs were still at 100% but the other settings seemed to be able to be weaned and he is moving a little after being paralyzed for a little over a week. Him moving is a great thing to see knowing that he is still in there and fighting. That and he is starting to lose his puffiness caused by the build up of the fluid in his body from not being able to move. This is a good thing because this will make it easier for Koa to breath and they can continue giving him fluids to help his volume to help his heart. They also started giving him medicine to help his heart and lungs at he wasn't able to get earlier because his blood pressure wasn't stable enough.
This morning Koa was having a hard time with his lungs being able to absorb the oxygen he needs so much. Its so hard to see your son so small there not able to do anything. So I prayed and talked with Koa and every thing started improving with in minutes and stayed improving throughout the day. If that isn't proof that God is there listening I don't know what is. I know that Koa can here my voice and it soothes him but he doesn't understand what I am saying but he does know what God tells him to do. I thank God for all of his help that he has given me and Courtnie and Koa. I am more than ever convinced that God is in my life and helping me and my family and friends with every thing.
Yesterday our family came to town form Fairbanks I know that Courtnie and I needed the support very much. I am so thankful that we have the family that we have here and far away. Our family will be here for spring break and will give us much needed support.
once again I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, things were just a little crazy. Thank you all again for all the prayers and gifts that we have received.
Thanks again and we love you all,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Friday, March 10, 2006


Courtnie holding her baby boy (Koa)

Sooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!

Today was a little better than yesterday

Today Koa's lungs seem to be improving a little. Meaning that the hypertension is getting better so we are praying that Koa will continue to improve and get stronger. Courtnie was able to hold him again and that was great for both Koa and Courtnie. Yesterday Courtnie asked to hold him and the doctor said no because Koa was to unstable. It is funny how one day can make that big a difference. When the doctors said that this was going to be a rollercoster ride they weren't joking. One minute things are up and the next things are down. But we are praying that things continue to go up and up.
they are waxing another part of the floors here at the prov-house so I'm making this update short again. But we still thank you all for your prayers and love you all very much for your prayers and support through all of the ups and downs.
thanks again for every thing
and we love all of you
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Koa's little name plate

some new pics

Koa is growing

Today is about the same as yesterday

Today Koa had another head ultrasound. It went good and Koa seems to be improving he is less touchy and able to be moved around more but he is still paralyzed. At the providence house they are waxing the floors in the community room so I cant sit and write much tonight but every thing seems the same as yesterday. I will try to update sooner tomorrow. Well tonight I'm making it short and sweet. Thanks again for all of the prayers and support through these times. Tonight I will be praying that Koa continues to improve and get stronger.
we thank God for every thing that he has given us and helped us with he is the man. Thank you god for the better day and please give us better and better days to come.
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Not sure if today was a good day or not

This morning Koa was doing good he was only needing 40% oxygen from the ventilator and was not being so sensitive to being moved or touched. So Koa seemed to be fine on the outside and all his stats were looking ok. But he must have been listening to his good night story about not judging a book by its cover. Because the doctor told us that he still has the high blood pressure in his lungs and that there is a semi new problem. Koa's heart muscle is starting to get thick from the EKG that they did this morning. They think that the thickening could be caused by a few things. Like the high blood pressure in his lungs the medication that he is on for his high blood pressure in his lungs. This is common in these very little guys, but that it is reversible. So the doctors are going to lessen some of the medication doses and see what happens. But all I can do is wait and pray that every thing works the way we want it to I'm feeling better now so have been able to go see him he looks like he has grown since I last saw him. The nurse tonight said that he weighed 810 grams about 1.8 pounds and they measured his leg diameter so that they could size a blood pressure cuff for him and it was the same size as my pointer finger. So that might be a good picture for every one I think his leg measured at like 6 centimeters around.
so for now all we can do is pray that Koa's heart gets back to normal and that his high blood pressure in his lungs gets better. Thanks to every one for there prayers and gifts.
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Some little ups and downs

Yesterday Koa was taken off of the medicine that paralyzes him to stop him from fighting the ventilator. So last night and today had some little downs. As Koa started to come out of the paralyzed he seemed to get scared or mad and start to fight the ventilator. So this made his oxygen saturation go down in his blood and go back up to 100% on the ventilator. Today his blood pressure seemed to go up and down so they had to refined his happy place on his medicine. And continued to try to fight the ventilator. As of tonight he is doing a little more stable but is still at 100% oxygen. But seems to be improving again so we will keep praying to God that Koa continues to get better. Thanks again to everyone for their prayers for Koa and us and the other babies and there parents. Sorry again for the late post had a long day.
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie, and Jeremiah Bachert

Monday, March 06, 2006

Today things are still getting better

This morning Courtnie and I went to the hospital to be moral support for our new friends that also have there son in the NICU. He needed the PDA surgery that Koa has al ready had. This surgery is to close the valve between the two main vessels in you body. There baby made it through the surgery with out any problems. So this is another proof of Gods love. Thank you all for your prayers for the other babies in the hospitals. Every time Courtnie and I get good news like this morning we are happy and it gives us hope.
So to Koa he is doing better and better. Thank God for watching over him and helping Koa to get stronger and giving the doctors and nurses the guidance they need. This morning he was only needing 50% oxygen from the ventilator and was only needing 10% of nitric oxide. Koa was able to lay on his tummy for a little wail. This made him happy because he has been on his back since before his surgery on his intestine. But had to go back to his back because the surgeon would like it to be a week after Koa's surgery before he lays on his stomach. So I will just keep praying that things continue to get better with Koa and his little NICU friend. Thanks again to everyone for there prayers and gifts of love. I also thank God for listening to everyone's prayers and for giving me every second of every day that I have with Koa. Oh yah and I'm feeling a little better to so I'm hoping that in the next day or two that I will be able to go be with Koa again.
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie, and Jeremiah

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Things seem to be improving

Koa is doing good today so far. He is only needing 50% oxygen on the ventilator and is still being weaned off of the nitric oxide. It is very hard not being able to be with him and courtnie all day. Being sick has never been this not fun. But I'm taking all sorts of vitamins and stuff to get over this little cold. courtnie has met another mom to talk to that is going through some of the same things and I think that it is good for her to be able to talk to someone other than me and her parents. So IM still praying that Koa gets stronger and stronger. Last night before going to bed Courtnie and I talked about God and the things that he has given to us and the things that he hasn't. And we talked about how we have seen so meant people's lives changed buy both things that God has given us and but things God has not given us. And saw that every thing has been for the best. I am glad that Courtnie and I can talk and be there for each other and I thank God for that.
This experience has changed my life. Like I have said I have a different look on life now. The Ave also been able to better understand what God went through when he saw his son die for all of us. The big difference is that I am selfish because I don't want God to take Koa. And God has been letting Koa Get better and I thank him all day and all night for every second, minute, hour, day, week that I have with Koa. Thank you God again for every thing you have given us.
when Koa was born we met a mom that had been with her baby for months in the NICU she was negative about a lot of things like one of the doctors. Some of the things she told Courtnie and I would make us upset. So we talked to the doctors and nurses about her and they told us that every baby is different just like every person is different but that they would talk to her because we weren't the only parents that she had talked to that felt that she was negative. So they did last week. Last night courtnie called me from the hospital to tell me that this mom had lost her baby.
last night I prayed that god be with this mom and give her comfort. And I will keep praying that god will be with her and her family to help her have peace in her heart and know that every thing that could be done to help her baby was done.
thanks again for all of the prayers for Koa, Courtnie and I
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Sorry for the late update

Yesterday night the Koa started to fight the ventilator again and his oxygen sat went down to 55% so they bagged him for 45 min and took x-rays and it looked like the top lobes of both lungs were either collapsed or full of mucus. So this morning Koa had an x-ray and his lungs were looking better so that was good news. So today Koa has been pretty much the same he is still on the ventilator and is needing 100% oxygen. He has opened his eyes more today. Courtnie says they are a dark blue color. I haven't been able to go see him today because I might be getting sick and I don't want to chance getting him or any of the other babies sick. It is hard telling my self that it is for his best interest that I don't go in to see him but I would hate to get him sick. And the doctors say that since he is so small that he hasn't built up an immune system yet. So he could get really sick fast. So I will try to not get Courtnie sick and to get better as fast as I can. The doctors are still weaning Koa off of the Nitric Oxide and the other medicines that he is getting. That little guy has more IV lines in him than months he is old. So all I can do is pray that Koa gets better and better.
again Koa, Courtnie and I would like to thank every one for there prayers and thoughts for us.
please continue to pray for Koa and the other babies in the hospitals all over the world and there parents. Thank you all again and I will try to update in the morning.
Love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

Friday, March 03, 2006

Koa's first look at the world

This morning Courtnie and I were talking to Koa and telling him how much we love him and he opened his eyes just a slit it made my heart almost jump out of my chest. I forgot about every thing that had happened in the last 2 weeks and had a joy that I cant explain come over me. Wow this is soo cool that little guy has made me so proud.
so the doctors are starting to wean Koa off of the nitric oxide. It is a slow process but he seems to be getting better and I will keep my fingers crossed and praying that he continues to get better. Last night when we were reading Koa his good night story there was a baby next door to him that weighed 3lbs 10 oz and it looked like a giant. It is kind of funny how your prospective changes.
thanks again to every one for all the gifts of love and prayers that we have received.
we love every one and cant say thanks enough.
love always,
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah

These are Koa's newest gift from his nurse Hope.

He knows he is cool now.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yesterday was rough

Yesterday was one of those days that we were hoping not to have. It started out the night before when Koa was showing signs of pulmonary hypertension. Meaning that he was getting high blood pressure in his lungs. This is caused buy the blood vessels in his lungs tightening up because his body still wants to be inside his mommy. Koa had this same problem about a week ago and the doctors treated it with oxygen and it went away. This time the oxygen wasn't helping so they tried to increase his blood volume to increase his blood pressure in the rest of his body. They also gave him a gas called nitric oxide but all day it seemed like these things were doing nothing or very little to help him get oxygen into his blood. So the doctor told us that it wasn't looking like there was much else to do other than give him meds to make his Blood pressure go up so they did that and told us that if this didn't work that it was up to Koa and God and they were going to stop the nitric oxide. This was very disconserning to Courtnie and I because the doctors were saying that they were nearing the limitations of science. So we had no other choice but to pray and pray and pray that god would take care of Koa, knowing that God is the healer of all sickness. Last night when we finely came back to our room Koa was showing signs that the treatment was helping and buy this morning he was doing somewhat better and has seemed to get better throughout the day. All I can do is thank God for his help last night and thank every one for there prayers.
Also Koa Courtnie and I thank every one for the gifts of love
and thanks to all of our friends and family for the support that we have gotten.
I am also asking that every one pray for the other baby's in this hospital and all the other hospitals all over the world thank you all for every prayer and every thought and all the love that we have gotten.
we love you all
Koa, Courtnie and Jeremiah Bachert